Tiki Taka Ultimate is a Dubai-based Ultimate team founded in 2016 which was inspired by a Spanish style of football of short passing and movement. We humbly started with less than 10 members and are now a thriving and growing family. This team has been everyone's version of home away from home.
We are a diverse, passionately driven, and highly competitive team who constantly push ourselves to be better. We pride ourselves on not just the number of tournaments won but on the process we had to undergo to win tournaments, instill competitiveness and the ability to share this beautiful sport with the UAE community.
Ultimately, we are bonded with our one ultimate love for swinging discs, limitless cuts, fake throws & clear fun!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tikitakaultimatedubai/
Instagram: https://instagram.com/tikitakaultimatedxb?utm_medium=copy_link
Roster 2024
Renante Jr. Onlayao (Renante (Butchok))
Sweet Diane Sarabia (Sweet)
Yvette Relucio Relucio (Yvette Anne)
Natalia Melo Samudio Nata
Amber hansma Hansma (Amber)
Christian Varon (Chris)
Leonila (Fonz) Rojas
Spirit captainadmin
Christian Val Degamo (Val)