A well known team that has played Windmill in the Open division before. In our day we alwayxs managed to make it in the top third - and still almost always won the beer race :)
A favorite Windmuill memory is beating Ragnarog 17:6 someitme aroung 2011
Woodies Mixed won Leiout(Beach) with ouly 6 players in 2002 - first team to ever win a US tournament
We played Mixed in 2006 playing World in Perth and while we missed the playoffs, We manage to beat the current US Champion. Woodies won German nationals 4 times in the mixed division. later blending with other munich teams (Zamperl Mir San MIr) into one club, mixed has always been a to priority in and around Munich. with a total or 11 titels in german mixed Nationals
As you see we are becoming a vintage team, but Woodies are always good for a surprise beating teams that end up wining tournements,
Roster 2024
No roster yet.